June 2022 Archive
Income Tax Finally Comparable with Delayed Filings
On Wednesday, June 15th the Tax Commission released the TC-23 Revenue Summary Report for 11 months of FY 2022. This report, coupled with the Revenue Snapshot produced by the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget indicated strong growth in collections to the General and Education Funds, and stable […]
Ensuring the Public Trust: a Summary of the Accountable Budget Process
Each year, more than 80 percent of Utah’s General and Education Fund (GF/EF) budget rolls-forward into the next budget year’s base. By legislative rule, in the 2023 General Session, as much as $9.3 billion of the $11.6 billion GF/EF total will carry forward from FY 2023 into FY 2024. While appropriators can change base budgets […]
How Will the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Impact Utah?
In November of last year, Congress passed, and the President signed, the bi-partisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Unlike other pandemic stimulus efforts (such as the CARES Act and ARPA), this bill does not include large discretionary pots of money for state and local governments. Instead, the IIJA returns to a more traditional mix […]