About LFA

LFA Staff

Roles and Assignments

View the LFA's current staff of financial experts, economists, and operations analysts here. You can search by name, subject area, subcommittee, or product. You can also view and organization chart to see the full staff in one place.


Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
House Building, Suite W310
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Ph: (801) 538-1034

Office Overview

Mission and Vision

The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst finds sound financial solutions that make Utah better.


The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst was formally established in 1965. Utah has had three Legislative Fiscal Analysts since then, and the office's mission has grown to include budgeting, fiscal health, and performance accountability. Read the full history, here.


Publications Archive

View all LFA reports, briefs, and publications here. These reports can be filtered by year, type, and committee.