All Budget Highlights Posts

Tax Commission Annual Report Details Historic Year for Revenues

On December 30th, the Utah State Tax Commission released their Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2021. From July 2020 to June 2021, the state of...
January 5, 2022

Legislative and Executive Branches Announce Joint Plan for Performance Initiatives

On December 7th, staff from the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst (LFA) and Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget (GOPB) released a plan for...
December 21, 2021

Utah’s Revenue Comparisons Muddled by Federal Intervention

Federal Stimulus Likely Behind FY 2021 Yearend Figures This month the Legislative Fiscal Analyst (LFA) and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget (GOPB) released...
October 29, 2021

Updated Guidance for the American Rescue Plan Act, in Context for Utah

In March, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which was the third tranche of fiscal stimulus aimed to address revenue and policy issues...
September 14, 2021

Federal Intervention Drives Unpredicted Growth in Preliminary FY 2021 Year-End Tax Collections

According to the Utah State Tax Commission’s preliminary 2021 fiscal year-end TC-23 revenue summary and an accompanying Revenue Snapshot from the Office of the Legislative...
July 13, 2021

Economists Warn of Inflationary Pressure as Surplus Trickles In

On Monday, June 14th, the Tax Commission released their TC-23 revenue summary, detailing collections through period 11 of the 2021 Fiscal Year, along with the...
June 15, 2021

Sales Tax Exceeds Expectations, Income Tax Still Boosted from 2020 Filings

On May 14th, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget released their Revenue Snapshot summary, based on the Tax Commission’s TC-23...
May 25, 2021

What’s in Store for the 2021 First Special Session?

On Monday, May 10th, 2021 the United States Treasury released additional guidance related to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). While there are still many...
May 14, 2021

Revenue through Third Quarter Lags Projections

Utah's General and Education Fund revenue collections for the first nine months of fiscal year 2021 slightly lag projected full-year growth rates. Through March, General...
April 16, 2021

Legislators Alter the Trajectory of Taxation in Utah

Have you ever laid awake at night wondering ‘when did Utah start collecting sales tax?’, ‘was income tax always earmarked for education?’ or even ‘I...
April 1, 2021

What Does the American Rescue Plan Act Mean for Utah?

On March 11th, Congress enacted the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, the third (and likely final) round of stimulus funding related to the...
March 22, 2021

Revenue On-Pace through Month Eight

The Utah State Tax Commission released updated revenue collection data today. For the first eight months of fiscal year 2021, General and Education Fund revenue...
March 16, 2021